after school, sec 4 had their interclass thngyy.
and marwan said he's coming back! saiful also said his comingg back!
hehehe.th thingy strtd at 330. so right after chem period, me ss bernice went to mall :D
lol. did we? i guess we did. i rmbd we went to th pasar malam.
hahah, then ard 245 ss went home, i follwd bernice back to her house to grb her jersey!
23-ed to her house. lol. busd back to school,
lol. hm, i cant seem tmr rmb what happend.
thn saiful marwan they all came . hahaha .
FINALLY get to see them .
haha !
iz and emy were there too.
so talktalktalk. walkwalkwalk.
then saiful and iz accompanied be back by taking 8 . hahah . so they continued their journey to interchge.
haha, this coming fri meeting marwan. lol.
hhaahas, ok thennn sat, studied.
met nidd and some sec 4s. and then saw zurikh. haha.
today, nth much happend .
i havent bloody fxk study!
how D:
sat wasnt really studyy larhhh .
gahh. TT
diee !!
hehe, i promise i'll reply tags later. LOL.
ANDD, NOT FORGETTING. I LOVE ADAM LAMBERT <3333 altho he gayy ok. hahah . hope thats just rumours uhs.
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