hahahah. lame x.x



amirra and shushan(:

when everyone's sleeping, we take picts. hahaha.

tsktsktsk. LOL.

sighhh cheryl cheryl!


That is kc. in the middle of the wahtever level in ehub. Lol

while waiting for kc and celine. :0

likeee same heighhtttt righttt. hahahah (x but im shorter by a few cm onlyy (:

th surprise.

ignore the face. LOL.

sun oh sunnn where are you. =(

SEEEE THAT IS TAN LI XIAN. LOL. taadaa your picc!

hohoho. similar smilesss rightttt (:

<3 done uploading picts. soon there will be vids! :D im kinda upset with my results. esp my maths. ALWAYSSS MATHS. kns right! 3g's my fiirst choicce. and most of my clique's choiceee is th same as my choice for the first class choice. LOL. so choice choice one. x.x gahhhh. except for cheryllll! omgaaaay can,. =( nvm we'll still be in the first class! x.x i hope so. 1 bloody more mark i can get a for eng -......................................- thats bloody irritating. stoopid marker who marks my compo! its definitely not ms raniyy lor. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. stoppid sial that marker. woahh. oh yaa! ytd went to kc's to watch movieee! th movie's title is called,'hantu ambulance' scream like hell. Lol. i love kc's sis lorr! damn cute. but she dont like me-.- zzzz. cause she dont know me thats why. took pics with herr! later mayb postingg! :DDD oakyaoky byebye/

hahahah. lame x.x



amirra and shushan(:

when everyone's sleeping, we take picts. hahaha.

tsktsktsk. LOL.

sighhh cheryl cheryl!


That is kc. in the middle of the wahtever level in ehub. Lol
while waiting for kc and celine. :0
likeee same heighhtttt righttt. hahahah (x but im shorter by a few cm onlyy (:
th surprise.
ignore the face. LOL.

sun oh sunnn where are you. =(
SEEEE THAT IS TAN LI XIAN. LOL. taadaa your picc!
hohoho. similar smilesss rightttt (:
<3 done uploading picts. soon there will be vids! :D im kinda upset with my results. esp my maths. ALWAYSSS MATHS. kns right! 3g's my fiirst choicce. and most of my clique's choiceee is th same as my choice for the first class choice. LOL. so choice choice one. x.x gahhhh. except for cheryllll! omgaaaay can,. =( nvm we'll still be in the first class! x.x i hope so. 1 bloody more mark i can get a for eng -......................................- thats bloody irritating. stoopid marker who marks my compo! its definitely not ms raniyy lor. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. stoppid sial that marker. woahh. oh yaa! ytd went to kc's to watch movieee! th movie's title is called,'hantu ambulance' scream like hell. Lol. i love kc's sis lorr! damn cute. but she dont like me-.- zzzz. cause she dont know me thats why. took pics with herr! later mayb postingg! :DDD oakyaoky byebye/
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